这项工作提出了一种在像素处理器阵列(PPA)传感器上实施完全卷积神经网络(FCN)的方法,并演示了粗分割和对象定位任务。我们使用batchnorm,小组卷积和可学习的二进制阈值设计和训练二进制的FCN,用于二进制重量和激活,生产足够小的网络,以嵌入PPA的焦平面上,并具有有限的本地记忆资源,并使用平行基本添加添加添加的网络/仅减去,转移和位操作。我们演示了PPA设备上FCN的首次实现,并在像素级处理器中完全执行三个卷积层。我们使用此体系结构来证明使用SCAMP-5 PPA视觉芯片在280 fps处的对象分割和定位的推理生成热图。
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Audio DeepFakes are artificially generated utterances created using deep learning methods with the main aim to fool the listeners, most of such audio is highly convincing. Their quality is sufficient to pose a serious threat in terms of security and privacy, such as the reliability of news or defamation. To prevent the threats, multiple neural networks-based methods to detect generated speech have been proposed. In this work, we cover the topic of adversarial attacks, which decrease the performance of detectors by adding superficial (difficult to spot by a human) changes to input data. Our contribution contains evaluating the robustness of 3 detection architectures against adversarial attacks in two scenarios (white-box and using transferability mechanism) and enhancing it later by the use of adversarial training performed by our novel adaptive training method.
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This short report reviews the current state of the research and methodology on theoretical and practical aspects of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). It was prepared to gather state-of-the-art knowledge needed to construct complex, hypercomplex and fuzzy neural networks. The report reflects the individual interests of the authors and, by now means, cannot be treated as a comprehensive review of the ANN discipline. Considering the fast development of this field, it is currently impossible to do a detailed review of a considerable number of pages. The report is an outcome of the Project 'The Strategic Research Partnership for the mathematical aspects of complex, hypercomplex and fuzzy neural networks' meeting at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, organized in September 2022.
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This paper presents the Crowd Score, a novel method to assess the funniness of jokes using large language models (LLMs) as AI judges. Our method relies on inducing different personalities into the LLM and aggregating the votes of the AI judges into a single score to rate jokes. We validate the votes using an auditing technique that checks if the explanation for a particular vote is reasonable using the LLM. We tested our methodology on 52 jokes in a crowd of four AI voters with different humour types: affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive and self-defeating. Our results show that few-shot prompting leads to better results than zero-shot for the voting question. Personality induction showed that aggressive and self-defeating voters are significantly more inclined to find more jokes funny of a set of aggressive/self-defeating jokes than the affiliative and self-enhancing voters. The Crowd Score follows the same trend as human judges by assigning higher scores to jokes that are also considered funnier by human judges. We believe that our methodology could be applied to other creative domains such as story, poetry, slogans, etc. It could both help the adoption of a flexible and accurate standard approach to compare different work in the CC community under a common metric and by minimizing human participation in assessing creative artefacts, it could accelerate the prototyping of creative artefacts and reduce the cost of hiring human participants to rate creative artefacts.
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In this paper, we propose a new short-term load forecasting (STLF) model based on contextually enhanced hybrid and hierarchical architecture combining exponential smoothing (ES) and a recurrent neural network (RNN). The model is composed of two simultaneously trained tracks: the context track and the main track. The context track introduces additional information to the main track. It is extracted from representative series and dynamically modulated to adjust to the individual series forecasted by the main track. The RNN architecture consists of multiple recurrent layers stacked with hierarchical dilations and equipped with recently proposed attentive dilated recurrent cells. These cells enable the model to capture short-term, long-term and seasonal dependencies across time series as well as to weight dynamically the input information. The model produces both point forecasts and predictive intervals. The experimental part of the work performed on 35 forecasting problems shows that the proposed model outperforms in terms of accuracy its predecessor as well as standard statistical models and state-of-the-art machine learning models.
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Recently proposed systems for open-domain question answering (OpenQA) require large amounts of training data to achieve state-of-the-art performance. However, data annotation is known to be time-consuming and therefore expensive to acquire. As a result, the appropriate datasets are available only for a handful of languages (mainly English and Chinese). In this work, we introduce and publicly release PolQA, the first Polish dataset for OpenQA. It consists of 7,000 questions, 87,525 manually labeled evidence passages, and a corpus of over 7,097,322 candidate passages. Each question is classified according to its formulation, type, as well as entity type of the answer. This resource allows us to evaluate the impact of different annotation choices on the performance of the QA system and propose an efficient annotation strategy that increases the passage retrieval performance by 10.55 p.p. while reducing the annotation cost by 82%.
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We apply the Hierarchical Autoregressive Neural (HAN) network sampling algorithm to the two-dimensional $Q$-state Potts model and perform simulations around the phase transition at $Q=12$. We quantify the performance of the approach in the vicinity of the first-order phase transition and compare it with that of the Wolff cluster algorithm. We find a significant improvement as far as the statistical uncertainty is concerned at a similar numerical effort. In order to efficiently train large neural networks we introduce the technique of pre-training. It allows to train some neural networks using smaller system sizes and then employing them as starting configurations for larger system sizes. This is possible due to the recursive construction of our hierarchical approach. Our results serve as a demonstration of the performance of the hierarchical approach for systems exhibiting bimodal distributions. Additionally, we provide estimates of the free energy and entropy in the vicinity of the phase transition with statistical uncertainties of the order of $10^{-7}$ for the former and $10^{-3}$ for the latter based on a statistics of $10^6$ configurations.
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We introduce submodel co-training, a regularization method related to co-training, self-distillation and stochastic depth. Given a neural network to be trained, for each sample we implicitly instantiate two altered networks, ``submodels'', with stochastic depth: we activate only a subset of the layers. Each network serves as a soft teacher to the other, by providing a loss that complements the regular loss provided by the one-hot label. Our approach, dubbed cosub, uses a single set of weights, and does not involve a pre-trained external model or temporal averaging. Experimentally, we show that submodel co-training is effective to train backbones for recognition tasks such as image classification and semantic segmentation. Our approach is compatible with multiple architectures, including RegNet, ViT, PiT, XCiT, Swin and ConvNext. Our training strategy improves their results in comparable settings. For instance, a ViT-B pretrained with cosub on ImageNet-21k obtains 87.4% top-1 acc. @448 on ImageNet-val.
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Although augmentations (e.g., perturbation of graph edges, image crops) boost the efficiency of Contrastive Learning (CL), feature level augmentation is another plausible, complementary yet not well researched strategy. Thus, we present a novel spectral feature argumentation for contrastive learning on graphs (and images). To this end, for each data view, we estimate a low-rank approximation per feature map and subtract that approximation from the map to obtain its complement. This is achieved by the proposed herein incomplete power iteration, a non-standard power iteration regime which enjoys two valuable byproducts (under mere one or two iterations): (i) it partially balances spectrum of the feature map, and (ii) it injects the noise into rebalanced singular values of the feature map (spectral augmentation). For two views, we align these rebalanced feature maps as such an improved alignment step can focus more on less dominant singular values of matrices of both views, whereas the spectral augmentation does not affect the spectral angle alignment (singular vectors are not perturbed). We derive the analytical form for: (i) the incomplete power iteration to capture its spectrum-balancing effect, and (ii) the variance of singular values augmented implicitly by the noise. We also show that the spectral augmentation improves the generalization bound. Experiments on graph/image datasets show that our spectral feature augmentation outperforms baselines, and is complementary with other augmentation strategies and compatible with various contrastive losses.
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